Hands-On Experience
Both courses have an attractive and unique feature – one day of hands-on training at Malta seawater desalination plant aimed to give opportunity of course participants to witness and/or gain direct experience with completing a set of the following common operational tasks:
1. SDI test of source water and pretreated (i.e.,cartridge filtered) water;
2. Cartridge filter replacement – what do we look for to assess pretreatment by observing cartridge filters;
3. Conductivity Profiling of RO Vessels – the course participants will have first-hand experience with vessel probing and analyzing of the collected data;
4. Membrane Replacement – Remove one or more RO elements and replace them with new;
5. Membrane Rotation – rotate last and first RO elements;
6. Membrane Weighing – weight RO elements of one vessel and learn how to develop rotation and cleaning program based on the weights;
7. Starting Up or Shutting Down of RO Train;
8. Flushing of RO Train;
9. Other Practical Tests and Know-how for RO and Pretreatment System Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Of Membrane Desalination And Water Reuse Systems
With Hands-On Training
The first 3-days course is focused mainly on troubleshooting of the operation of reverse osmosis (RO) membrane systems widely used in desalination and water reuse. The participants of this course will gain practical knowledge of how to solve operational problems by proper planning and design of RO systems and how to optimize plant operations in order to minimize membrane fouling and energy and chemical use for membrane separation.
Seawater Pretreatment – Key Challenges And Solutions
With Hands-On Training
The second 3-days course is focused exclusively on how to avoid design traps and troubleshoot dissolved air flotation, granular media and membrane pretreatment systems in seawater reverse osmosis desalination plants. The programs of the pretreatment and the RO system troubleshooting courses are designed such that they do not overlap and participants in either course would benefit from attending both courses
The first 5 paid participants of each course which register for the course before May 20, 2014
will receive on the first come – first servebasis a complimentary copy of the book
Desalination Engineering: Operation and Maintenance, McGraw Hill, USA (2014), authored by Nikolay Voutchkov
All participants of the two courses will receive a copy of the book
Pretreatment Technologies for Seawater Desalination, Australian Water Association, Sydney, Australia (2008), authored by Nikolay Voutchkov
Those who sign for both courses and are in the first 5 registered before May 20, 2014 will also receive on the first come – first serve basis a copy of the book:
Desalination Engineering: Planning and Design, McGraw Hill, USA (2012), authored by Nikolay Voutchkov